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Curated exhibition: 


Galerie Latuvu, Occitanie, France

13 July - 27 August 2023

Galerie Latuvu

Galerie Latuvu

Rhizome poster

Rhizome poster

Local marketing

Local marketing

Local marketing

Local marketing

Elsa van der Klashorst, Beneath the undergrowth

Elsa van der Klashorst, Beneath the undergrowth

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst, Afoot everywhere (2023). Collage & acrylic on canvas. 20 x20cm.

Elsa van der Klashorst, Afoot everywhere (2023). Collage & acrylic on canvas. 20 x20cm.

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst's work

Elsa van der Klashorst, The ticket on the corner

Elsa van der Klashorst, The ticket on the corner

Loeritha Saayman's work

Loeritha Saayman's work

Loeritha Saayman's work

Loeritha Saayman's work

Loeritha in front of her work

Loeritha in front of her work

Loeritha Saayman, Free radical

Loeritha Saayman, Free radical

Loeritha Saayman, Evergreen sheepy leave nomad

Loeritha Saayman, Evergreen sheepy leave nomad

Loeritah Saayman, Dry land tadpole and it’s offspring

Loeritah Saayman, Dry land tadpole and it’s offspring

Loeritha Saayman, Anti cat-a-strophic morph

Loeritha Saayman, Anti cat-a-strophic morph

Loeritha Saayman, Meta ta physika morph I

Loeritha Saayman, Meta ta physika morph I

Loeritha and Fanie in front of her work

Loeritha and Fanie in front of her work

Gwenneth Miller, Carry me softly, 2023

Gwenneth Miller, Carry me softly, 2023

Gwenneth Miller's work

Gwenneth Miller's work

Gwenneth Miller Listening to silence 2021 Canon Lucia Ex inks on Hahnemühle Paper 570 mm x

Gwenneth Miller Listening to silence 2021 Canon Lucia Ex inks on Hahnemühle Paper 570 mm x

Gwenneth Miller Mycelium Sound 2021 Indian and acrylic inks on Trace paper and butcher pap

Gwenneth Miller Mycelium Sound 2021 Indian and acrylic inks on Trace paper and butcher pap

Gwenneth Miller Falling into your own shadow l 2022 Mixed media on Hahnemuehle paper

Gwenneth Miller Falling into your own shadow l 2022 Mixed media on Hahnemuehle paper

Gwenneth Miller Forest pickers 2022 Mixed media on Hahnemuhle Paper

Gwenneth Miller Forest pickers 2022 Mixed media on Hahnemuhle Paper

21-MaryJaneMorris_Visible traces of an earlier form_2023_30 x 30 cm (3 of 5)

21-MaryJaneMorris_Visible traces of an earlier form_2023_30 x 30 cm (3 of 5)

7-MaryJaneMorris_Elemental_2023_39 x 30

7-MaryJaneMorris_Elemental_2023_39 x 30

19-MaryJaneMorris_A different horizon_30x30_Acrylic and ink on Paper

19-MaryJaneMorris_A different horizon_30x30_Acrylic and ink on Paper

9-MaryJaneMorris_Rock pool_2023_Acrylic, soft carbon pencil, pencil, collage on paper_30x3

9-MaryJaneMorris_Rock pool_2023_Acrylic, soft carbon pencil, pencil, collage on paper_30x3

5-MaryJaneMorris_Shifting tides_2023_30x30 cm_Acrylic on Paper

5-MaryJaneMorris_Shifting tides_2023_30x30 cm_Acrylic on Paper

3_MaryJaneMorris_Ripple effect_2022-2023_Acrylic and soft carbon pencil on paper_30x30 cms

3_MaryJaneMorris_Ripple effect_2022-2023_Acrylic and soft carbon pencil on paper_30x30 cms

4-MaryJaneMorris_Drifting_2023_Acrylic, ink, plant material, soft carbon pencil on paper_3

4-MaryJaneMorris_Drifting_2023_Acrylic, ink, plant material, soft carbon pencil on paper_3

1-MaryJaneMorris_About water_2023_Acrylic, charcoal dust and soft carbon pencil on Paper_3

1-MaryJaneMorris_About water_2023_Acrylic, charcoal dust and soft carbon pencil on Paper_3

22-MaryJaneMorris_Quiet space_2023_30 x 30 cm

22-MaryJaneMorris_Quiet space_2023_30 x 30 cm

Mj Morris's work

Mj Morris's work

MaryJaneMorris_Dispersing_2023_51 x 51 cm_Acrylic and ink on ecoboard

MaryJaneMorris_Dispersing_2023_51 x 51 cm_Acrylic and ink on ecoboard

MaryJaneMorris_Looking ahead_2023_51 x 51 cm_Acrylic and oilstick on ecoboard

MaryJaneMorris_Looking ahead_2023_51 x 51 cm_Acrylic and oilstick on ecoboard

MaryJaneMorris_In search of_2023_Acrylic and ink on ecoboard_51x51 cms (1 of 1)

MaryJaneMorris_In search of_2023_Acrylic and ink on ecoboard_51x51 cms (1 of 1)

MaryJaneMorris_Natural rhythm_2023_Acrylic and ink on ecoboard_51x51 cms (1 of 1)

MaryJaneMorris_Natural rhythm_2023_Acrylic and ink on ecoboard_51x51 cms (1 of 1)

MJ Morris in front of her work

MJ Morris in front of her work

MJ, Sabine and Ritchie

MJ, Sabine and Ritchie

Ingrid Coerlin

Ingrid Coerlin

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Ingrid Coerlin and Rosa Snyman Wessels

Ingrid Coerlin and Rosa Snyman Wessels

Rosa Snyman Wessels, Hybridity, 2023

Rosa Snyman Wessels, Hybridity, 2023

Rosa Wessels, Hybridity, 2023. Mixed media, 42x30cm. Set of 8. Box framed. Euro 75 each

Rosa Wessels, Hybridity, 2023. Mixed media, 42x30cm. Set of 8. Box framed. Euro 75 each

Rosa Snyman Wessels, Complexity, 2023

Rosa Snyman Wessels, Complexity, 2023

Latuvu Bages July 2023 (20 of 35)

Latuvu Bages July 2023 (20 of 35)

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Latuvu Bages July 2023 (30 of 35)

Latuvu Bages July 2023 (30 of 35)

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Latuvu art 2023 011

Latuvu art 2023 011

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Exhibition opening

Setting up

Setting up

Setting up

Setting up

Setting up

Setting up

Setting up

Setting up



Picnic at the lake

Picnic at the lake

Gerrit at the guest house

Gerrit at the guest house

Street in bages

Street in bages

13 juillet– 27 août 2023

Galerie Latuvu, Bages, France


Commissaire : Elfriede Dreyer


Artistes: Elsa van der Klashorst | Gwenneth Miller | Ingrid Coerlin | Mary-Jane Morris | Rosa Wessels | Loeritha Saayman

Rhizome présente les œuvres de six artistes féminines ayant des liens forts avec l'Afrique : certaines sont nées ailleurs et ont immigré en Afrique du Sud ; certains sont nés et vivent en Afrique du Sud ; et un est né en Afrique du Sud et a immigré ailleurs. Indépendamment de ces liens, leurs identités sont enracinées à la fois dans la nature africaine ancienne et dans l'Afrique urbaine avec ses villes africaines vastes et cosmopolites. La vie des personnes vivant en Afrique a toujours été caractérisée par un mouvement nomade induit par ses histoires coloniales et postcoloniales tumultueuses des deux derniers siècles. Des déplacements physiques et sociaux se sont produits et sont toujours endémiques, ainsi que des dissensions raciales ; qui conduisent souvent à l'hybridité dans l'identité et à une lutte pour la survie.


La volatilité, l'instabilité et la variabilité de la condition humaine peuvent être décrites avec justesse par la métaphore du rhizome, qui est défini comme une tige en croissance souterraine qui envoie continuellement des pousses et des racines. Les rhizomes ont des entre-nœuds courts, poussant des racines à partir du bas des nœuds et générant de nouvelles pousses ascendantes. Il s'agit généralement d'un bulbe, d'un tubercule ou d'une succulente qui a un système racinaire peu profond et qui se transplante facilement. Dans Mille plateaux, Deleuze et Guattari (1987 : 7) ont forgé l'idée de l'être rhizomatique, un type d'identité qui continue d'exister dans la contradiction et la situation difficile, car il est toujours en processus et en transition. L'identité nomade est fondée sur la fragmentation, la complexité et la multiplicité et caractérise une grande partie de l'identité africaine aujourd'hui. Les œuvres d'art sur Rhizome traitent d'une telle condition rhizomatique. Le travail des artistes commente la manière dont les femmes vivent leur rapport à l'environnement africain et dont elles construisent psycho-géographiquement leurs identités.


Mots clés : volatilité, changement, racines, mouvement, transition, complexité, hybridité.


Elfriede Dreyer, Pretoria, juillet 2023.





Rhizome presents the artworks of six female artists with strong connections to Africa: Some were born elsewhere and immigrated to South Africa; some were born and live in South Africa; and one was born in South Africa and immigrated elsewhere. Irrespective of such connection, their identities are rooted both in ancient African nature, and in urban Africa with its expansive, cosmopolitan African cities. The lives of people living in Africa have always been characterised by nomadic movement induced by its tumultuous colonial and postcolonial histories of the last two centuries. Physical and social displacement has occurred and is still endemic, also racial discord; both of which often lead to hybridity in identity and a struggle for survival.


Volatility, instability and changeability in the human condition can be aptly described by the metaphor of the rhizome, which is defined as a subterranean growing stem which continuously sends out shoots and roots. Rhizomes have short internodes, growing roots from the bottom of the nodes and generating new upward-growing shoots. It is typically a bulb, tuber or succulent that has a shallow root system and transplants easily. In A thousand plateaus, Deleuze and Guattari (1987:7) coined the idea of the rhizomatic being, a type of identity that continues to exist in contradiction and predicament since it is always in process and transitional. Nomadic identity is grounded in  fragmentation, complexity and multiplicity and characterises much of African identity today. The artworks on  Rhizome deal with such a rhizomatic condition. The artists’ work comment on how women experience their relationship to the African environment and how they construct their identities psycho-geographically.


Keywords: volatility, change, roots, movement, transition, complexity, hybridity.


Elfriede Dreyer, Pretoria, July 2023.

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