exit enter. On Digital art exhibition (13 local and international artists), group exhibition at The Spacing, UNISA. 2002
Absence 1997 - 2002 due to Management appointment at University of South Africa
Spider-Man visits God’s Window, on opening exhibition of The Open Window Art Academy,
Elfriede Dreyer with Keith Dietrich, Revisiting roads/recycling histories. 3 mixed media paintings. Centurion Gallery, 1995
Pretoria at the Johannesburg Biennale. 3 paintings. Title: North of the Jukskei, invited to participate. Museum Africa, Johannesburg, 1995
Group exhibition, opening of the new ABSA Gallery in Johannesburg. 1994
Bonne Année, Group exhibition, SAAA, Pretoria, 1994
Victims of war. Group exhibition at Jan Celliers school, Johannesburg. 1993
Finalist at Momentum art competition, catalogue produced, group exhibition. ABSA. 1993
Greater Pretoria at UNISA. UNISA Gallery. Selected. National art competition, 1993
MA(FA) Exhibition. 12 large mixed media paintings. Solo exhibition, UNISA Art Gallery, 1992
Exhibition and public discussion of work. Annual Conference of the SAAAH. UNISA. 1992
Group exhibition, Total Gallery, Johannesburg. 1990
Group exhibition, Development Bank, Halfway House. 1987
Exhibition of student work at lecturer's exhibition, UNISA Gallery, 1987
Finalist at Volkskas Atelier Art Award exhibition, ABSA Gallery, Pretoria. National art competition,
Finalist at Rolfes Foundation, Cape Town. National art competition, 1987
Finalist at New Signatures Competition exhibition, ABSA Gallery, Pretoria. National art competition,
Group exhibition, The Carriage House, Johannesburg, 1984